2011, 28 Jan: Activity - Questions for Discussion

Workbook Page 3

Question 15:
(a) Find the prime factorisation of the following numbers and write your answers in index notation.
(i) 27
(ii) 99
(iii) 135

(b) Hence, find
(i) the HCF of 27, 99 and 135 in prime factorisation form
(ii) the LCM of 27, 99 and 135 in prime factorisation form

Question 14:
(a) Find the prime factorisation of 3375 and write your answer in index notation.

(b) Hence, deduce and write down
(i) the smallest 2-digit number that is a factor of 3375
(ii) the largest 2 digit number that is a factor of 3375
(iii) the smallest 3-digit number that is a factor of 3375
(iv) the smallest 4-digit number that is a factor of 3375

Question 17:
(a) Find the smallest possible value of
(i) a whole number y if it leaves a remainder of 3 when divided by 5, 6 or 9
(ii) a whole number z if it leaves a remainder of 2 when divided by 4, 5 or 6

(b) Hence, calculate the
(i) HCF of y and z
(ii) LCM of y and z

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