Lesson 1 (02) My Mathematics Classroom

Describe briefly how you envisage the Maths experience in SST is going to be like...

Share your thoughts under "Comments".


  1. I think that Math lesson would be different than in other schools as we would be using class blogs instead of textbooks

  2. I think that Maths lesson will be much more interesting as compared to other schools because there will be the use of computers.

  3. I wish for my Maths learning experience at SST to be something much more that just books. I would like to be able to learn math by relating it to my daily life and learning in a unique and fun way.

  4. I think that math lesson in this school would be different than other schools as we don't read from the textbooks and sit in class, we would be doing more than that. An example of it :we would be surfing the net for answers rather than asking our teachers.

  5. I think maths will be fun as we can use the learning device to search for answers and also will not have look up in text-books just to see how much is one yard in feet (example).

  6. I think math lesson would be more interesting than the other schools, as we use your learning device.

  7. I think lessons would be more interesting, fun and engaging with in use of our learning device in SST.

  8. I think maths would be more fun and more interesting as we get to use our learning device and do new things that we did not do before

  9. I envisage it to be enjoyable as we would use the learning device to search for information and we would sometimes go outdoors instead of sitting in the class all the time.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I envisage it to be fun as we are using a learning device and that it is not the usual curriculum that usual secondary schools use.

  12. Maths lessons at SST would be more hands-on, and information would come from the internet instead of just waiting for the answer from the teacher.

  13. I would like my lessons in SST very lively not all about talking and I would like to be more hands-on group work

  14. I would like it to be a fun and exciting lesson. I would also like it to be a place where there is not a really high tensed up atmosphere in the classroom. And I also hope that you would not have to scold us.

  15. I think my maths lesson would be a interactive and fun lesson. Not a strict student to book lesson.

  16. I think math lesson in the future would be more hands-on. Students will get to experience the problem sum in a real scenario..while getting to interact with others on how to solve it. As experiencing the questions given hands-on gives a better understanding of it making it easier for students to answer and solve it.
    Encountering the question hands-on also helps to create leadership quality,building character development, and how to defeat the problem if it was a real one by using the hands-on activity experience and applying it to the world

  17. Even though math lessons in SST will still consist of text books, I think it will be more exciting as there is still the use of the learning device despite the presence of text books. I feel that it will be very interactive as the teacher asked us to arrange the tables such that she will be able to walk around the class comfortably.

  18. I think math lessons will be much more interesting as we can use the learning device. There will therefore be much more resources on the internet.

  19. Math lessons would be interesting with the usage of internet.
    The books would be used (Wait. I thought I saw the Math 1A or something like that in the Apps folder)
    Group work shall be interesting, and the teacher not rambling on to much, or even reprimanding us.
    And I bet, there will be Math blogging, or something like that at every end of each topic...?

  20. I think that learning at SST can be very interesting because of the applied learning.
