Leighton, This table only shows the arrival time of the buses that you saw on Friday.
Please go through the Task page (eLearning Lesson 2) to find out what other missing information you need to fill up (which includes the profile of commuters). You will also have to complete the data with more details pertaining to each bus service.
The following webtsites would be useful: (1) http://www.smrtbuses.com.sg/ebusguide/busguide.asp (2) http://www.sbstransit.com.sg/transport/trpt_bus_timetable.aspx
In addition, do you have any photo of the bus stop, as indicated in the task?
ReplyDeleteThis table only shows the arrival time of the buses that you saw on Friday.
Please go through the Task page (eLearning Lesson 2) to find out what other missing information you need to fill up (which includes the profile of commuters). You will also have to complete the data with more details pertaining to each bus service.
The following webtsites would be useful:
(1) http://www.smrtbuses.com.sg/ebusguide/busguide.asp
(2) http://www.sbstransit.com.sg/transport/trpt_bus_timetable.aspx
In addition, do you have any photo of the bus stop, as indicated in the task?