The bar graph shows the educational attainment of residents aged between 25-39 years.

In one sentence or a short paragraph, what does the graph tell us about the educational attainment of residents in the year 1999 and those in the year 2009?
Note: This is part of the daily work. All are to attempt.
The educational attainment of the residents from year 1999 to those in the year 2009 has increased a lot as many people in 2010 had continued their education until University.
ReplyDeleteIn the year 1999, most people have low educational attainment while in the year 2009, most people have high educational attainment.
ReplyDeleteIne year 1999, people have lower educational attainment as compared to year 2009.
ReplyDeleteIn the year 1999, most people stopped at secondary schools and have lower educational attainment compared to 2009.
ReplyDeleteCompared to year 1999, the education system has greatly improved and more people are graduating from universities than graduating from below secondary school or secondary school.There are more people having higher qualities and awards comparing to the year 1999.
ReplyDeleteThe below secondary and secondary range has increased, the post secondary has decreased too, but at a smaller degree, while the diploma and professional qualifications, plus university, have increased. This clearly shows that the education system has improve and that more and more people are studying and getting educate more than in the past.
ReplyDeleteCompared to 1999, more residents have higher level of qualifications ( like universities, masters, diploma) than residents from 2009, which means that the residents' education have improved a lot compared to residents during 1999 along the years.
ReplyDeleteThe educational attainment of people in 2009 than 1999 is much more higher.
ReplyDeleteThe education system has improved (so people can learn much better), the economy has improved (so people can have the money to continue their studies).
In 1999 there was fewer educational attainment compared to 2009.
ReplyDeleteThe education standard has risen since 1999 so people during 2009 receive a higher standard of education compared to 1999 so there are more people with the capability to graduate and have awards.
It tells us that the educational attainment has increased in the past few years.
ReplyDeleteMore people are getting focus on their studies and are working hard to support their families they have realised the importance of education in the real world, education is important in earning money without good education u will not get a job to support your family and yourself... in 2009 they more people realised that