Chap 10 Percentages: Which is a better deal? (II) Newsweek

The Newsweek magazine provides an overview of the happenings in the world in a weekly basis. The English department coordinator, Ms Zuraida, is considering making the copy available to the students.

To make the purchase, Ms Zuraida has to make a proposal to the department to justify that she has identified the best deal for the school. From the Newsweek website, she learnt that there are several options:

Click at the LINK to see more information.
At the subscription page, two options are offered: 1-year or 2-year subscription.

1. In the website, it was highlighted that one saves 62% by subscription. What is the price of a copy of the magazine available at the newstand?

2. Which is a better deal - the 1-year or 2-year subscription? Justify by how much would be saved if Ms Zuraida chose the better deal?

3. Without making comparsions of the price, which one - 1-year or 2-year subscription do you think people would normally go for? Why?


  1. 1. $483(3 s.f.)
    2. 2 year subscription. $1 would be saved by her for each issue of the magazine.
    3. 1 year. Normally people would want to try out the subscription first, and after they are sure that they want the magazine, they would try out the 2 year subscription.

  2. The following groups have not submitted:
    (1) Darryl & Ryan Yeo
    (2) Christabel & Ryan Sio

  3. 1. In the website, it was highlighted that one saves 62% by subscription.
    Without taking into consideration of the free copies,
    Price of one copy (after discount) = $174/52
    = $3.35
    The price at newsstand = $3.35/38 X 100%
    = $6.44

    2. Without taking into consideration of the free copies,
    For 1-year subscription, unit price = $3.35
    For 2-year subscription, unit price = $324/104 = $3.11
    Hence the 2-year subscription is a better deal.

    However, if we take into consideration the free copies,
    For 1-year subscription, unit price = $174/2.72
    For 2-year subscription, unit price = $324/116 = $2.79
    Then the 1-year subscription will turn out to be a better deal.

  4. 52% of copy is $174
    1% of copy is $3.35
    38% of copy is $6.44//

    Q2) 2-year subscription is a better deal

    Q3) 1-year subscription as it still gets the same amount of free copies whereas if 2-year subscription has more it would be better. Since people would first want to test the magazine, if it is good it would most probably find the cheapest and most cost worthly
